Have you or someone you love been injured or killed in a boating accident and are you looking for the best local boat accident attorney NJ?
We can help. Even if we are not the best law firm for your case, we can help you find the one that is.
The United States and Canada are water wonderlands. Thousands of inland bodies of water, not to mention the Great Lakes themselves, offer boaters a huge number of locations ideal for boating, fishing, swimming and recreating throughout the year. During the summer months, residents in addition to millions of other tourists can make the more popular areas quite crowded which can quickly lead to accidents involving others.
According to the US Coast Guard, the number of boating accidents reported in 2013 was 4,062. Of these, 560 involved deaths and another 2,620 involved injures. This cost, a grand total of approximately $39 million dollars in property damage in 2013 alone. Further, the Coast Guard reports that only 13% of these had any boating instruction whatsoever.
Unlike motor vehicles, in many areas and on many types of boats, there is very little regulation regarding who can drive leading to less than responsible drivers. The majority of the boating accidents reported were caused by:
- Operator inattention
- Operator inexperience
- Improper lookout
- Excessive speed
- Machine failure
However, the leading contributing factor of boating accidents today is alcohol. In close to half of all boating accidents, alcohol plays at least some role.
Boat Accident Attorney NJ
For those injured in a boating accident, there are laws put in place to protect you and help you in case of injury. Whether due to recklessness, inexperience or alcohol, you have rights and may be entitled to make a claim. However, like other laws, laws relating to boating and personal injuries may vary from state to state. For your protection and to ensure the best outcome for you case, it is important that you contact an attorney who is well-versed in the local boating laws. The Best Local Attorney will understand the laws, how to best approach your case and make sure that you get any and all compensation you deserve. If you have been injured in a boating accident, we can help.
Best Local Attorney